December 7 is observed as Armed Forces Flag Day in India every year. This is celebrated to honour the Veer-Jawans (Men in Uniform) and Saheed-Jawan (Martyrs) who have served and are serving the motherland India. Today, citizens of India are requested to contribute voluntarily for betterment of ex-army men, their family and also to the injured soldiers.
Union Defence Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh appealed to the people of India to contribute to Armed Forces Flag Day Fund (AFFDF). “The Centre and states will celebrate ‘Armed Forces Flag Day’ throughout the December. It is our national responsibility to support the families of our soldiers, who have lost their lives or suffered injuries during service to motherland” He added.
The ‘Armed Forces Flag Day” was first observed on 7th of December 1949. Post independence, soon after war victory over Pakistan, Indian armed forces fell short in terms of funds. On 28th of August 1948, there was a committee formed to overcome this issue. The committee was led by the Union Defence Minister of that time, Shri Baldev Singh Chokkar. The committee came up with a solution that on Dec 7 of every year, India will celebrate ‘Armed Forces Flag Day’. The motive was to present a flag to every citizen who has made a donation for the betterment of the army.