Modiji also mentioned that the festive season has begun with the beginning of Navratri and then followed by Dussehra, Eid, Deepawali, Guru Nanak Jayanti. “At this time of the festive season, it is very much essential to wash our hands frequently, wear masks, maintain at least two meters of distance with others, and sanitize frequently” he added. There was also a short cameo of writings from Kabir Das and Ram Charita Manasa by the PM which explained that we should not rush into anything.
Narendra Modiji also presented a few statistics like there are more than 90 lakh beds available in the country for covid patients, 12000+ quarantine centers, 2000+ testing labs, and 10 crore plus coronavirus tests are conducted to date.
He also made a point that the whole world is spending huge money on preparing a vaccine for this virus and India is not behind. Many of the companies and scientists in our country are working day and night for an ideal vaccine. He also added that some of the vaccine samples are in the final phase and the Government of India will take all the actions to make sure the vaccine reaches every individual in the country as soon as they are available for public usage.