On investigating Kishore, the CCB officials got some information regarding other peddlers. The Sandalwood drug racket has rattled the Kannda industry, especially after the arrests of Sanjjanaa Galrani and Ragini Dwivedi.
Coming back to Anushree, she is one of the most famous anchors in the Kannada television industry. It is reported that she is one of the highest-paid anchors in the television sector.
Meanwhile, the hearing of bail petitions of Sanjjanaa Galrani and Ragini Dwivedi has been postponed to September 25. Ragini and Sanjjanaa have been lodged in separate cells and demanded books to read in the central prison in Bengaluru.
Following the two actresses, Kannada actor Diganth and his actress-wife Aindrita Ray were summoned by the CCB. They confiscated their gadgets to gather digital evidence. Diganth was called again for questioning.